These are some fat-pie images. They are all free to distribute for non-commercial use. If you are writing about me or any of my cartoons you are free to use these images. You may use them in youtube videos and on websites. You may not print them on merchandise and sell them. Feel free to use them on Wikipedia.
Click To Enlarge

David Firth (2011) This is me.

David Firth (2012) This is also me.

David Firth (2012). This is also also me.

MC Devvo and DJ Shady Piez (2007)

Crooked Rot (2008)

Sock 5: Three Skins Without Men (2012)

Salad Fingers 6

Salad Fingers 8

Salad Fingers and Hubert Cumberdale

An insect from a music video for Datach'i

This is from Sock 4: Socklops

This is also from Sock4: Socklops

MC Devvo and Shady Piez again.


Spoilsbury Toast Boy
The Meadow Man

Jerry Jackson

Burnt Face Man
These images can be used for anything non commercial, presentations, reviews, articles, interviews, wikipedia just about anything as long as you aren't printing them onto things an attempting to sell. I don't mind if you have ads on your site or youtube videos etc. just don't exploit me. If you want to put them in a printed magazine or a paper then just credit me and it's all good. If you want any more then email me fatpiemail at g-mails to the dot coms.

All images on this page are:
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.