23rd Apr '13

After going into administration in the credit crunch of 2008, WallerFM dissolved and merged with rival ChoccyFM. Sandy Scawthorpe digs into the dark past of ChoccyFM, Graham and Terry get a work experience temp in and we explore just where ChoccyFM went wrong with a selection of clips from their top shows including Schissi and Whey, The Hyperlite Review and Justin Mayfair In The Morning.


Written, performed, devised, improvised and constructed by David Firth and Christian "Crust" Pickup.

Additional vocal contributions by Carla Simpson and Amy Gledhill as well as our lovely followers on Twitter.

Music by David Firth and Christian Pickup, plus featuring the following creative commons music from Jamendo:

Dijelyo - my drum 'n bass
Neon Niteclub - Brand New Love
DJ Tosken - Brena You
Ali Kassaee - Just Back Forever (Techno Mix)